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Tag: VA
Veterans Affairs exploring idea of merging health system with...
"WASHINGTON — As part of its effort to expand private health care, the...
Health Data Management: Cerner data center to support DoD...
"As the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs look to create a common...
Xtra Jobs
The Health Group of Leidos posts role seeking a...
"The Health Group of Leidos is seeking a Capture Manager to assist in...
CSRA seeks Chief Technical Officer (CTO) to support $2B...
“CSRA has an opportunity for a growth oriented and innovation focused CTO level...
VA EHRM: Cerner plans to “keep the band together”...
"... For the VA project, it hasn't been confirmed who Cerner's partners would...
AP: VA’s quiet plan to widen private care with...
"As part of its effort to expand private health care, the Department of...