Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tag: HHS

HHS IHS Sources Sought: RPMS PDMP Integration Bamboo Health...

Notice ID: 75H70423Q00075 Description IHS Resource Patient Management System/Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Integration. The Indian Health...

FDA awards OND, ODES, & DCOA DHT contract

WOSB Shabas Solutions has been awarded a 1-year, $1M contract by the Food...

NIH awards NITAAC Modernization and Learning Management System Design...

ARS Aleut Services was awarded a 6-month, $2M task by the National Institutes...

CDC awards MedMorph Pilot Testing contract

Carradora Health has been awarded a 4-year, $2M contract by the Centers for...

FDA awards Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) Advisory Program...

Eagle Hill Consulting has been awarded a 31-month, $2M task by the Food...

FDA RFQ: MentorcliQ Software License

Notice ID: FDA-75F40123Q00465 Description This RFQ is for OND Mentoring Program for the FDA. This...

NIH NIAAA awards $5M Outreach and Communications Support contract

ICF Incorporated has been awarded a 3-year, $5M contract by the National Institutes...

FDA awards $800K OSEM Administrative Support task

Brillient has been awarded a 1-year, $800K task by the Department of Health...

FDA awards Food & Ingredient Database task

Small business Goldbelt C6 has been awarded a 3-year, $700K task by the...

CDC awards Administrative and Professional Support Services contract

8(a) EDWOSB Hite Consulting (HCI) has been awarded a 3-year, $4M contract by...

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